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These new By-laws will supersede any and all previous By-Laws adopted or preceived to be adopted.
President: Charles Swindell
Vice President: Earl Gipson


Of Hill High Alumni Association

These By-laws (referred to as the “By-laws”) govern the affairs of Hill High Alumni Assocation, a nonprofit entity.


1.01 President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary are the duly effected officials of Hill High Alumni Association.


2.01 Membership consists of person who have attended Exelsior, Henderson Colored High, or High High Schools.

Membership Fees and Dues

2.02 A fee will be access for every Reunion and payable the year of the Reunion as well as membershuip dues of $15.00 ($5.00 per year).

Voting Rights

2.03 Each Alumnus who is a member in good standing (paid membership fees and dues), is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted for a vote of the members. Any alumnus who is candidate for elected office, as specified in Article 4 below must be a member in good standing (paid membership fees and dues).


3.01 Members shall assemble (Reunion) every three (3) years as voted on at the 1988 Reunion and approved by the members again in 2006, to convene in Henderson, Texas only. Any and all requested mini reunion(s) must be submitted in writing to the President of Hill High Alumni Association to be presented to the membership for approval before such an event(s) can be held.


President of Hill High Alumni Association duties: to schedule all meetings, send out or delegate someone to send out notification of said meetings, at least two weeks prior to meeting date, as well as prepare the agenda. Preside over all meetings or you may delegate this duty to the Vice President as is necessary.  Oversee and coordinate Reunion preparations and activities. The President shall be one of designated signature for checking account, with two (2) signatures required for banking transactions.

Vice-President of Hill High Alumni Association duty is to serve when the President is absentor is unable to act, or refuses to act, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President. Perform duties as assigned by the President

Secretary of Hill High Alumni Association duty is the taking of minutes of the Hill High Alumni Association meetings and keep these minutes as part of the association records.  Keep a register of the mailing address of each officer and member of Hill High Alumni Association.  Perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary.

Treasurer of Hill High Alumni Association duty is that of receiving Hill High Alumni Association monies for deposit in Hill High Alumni Association bank account. Maintain financial records. Prepare financial reports for schedule meetings. Provide the Financial Secretary with a copy of monthly bank statement and financial report of all disbursements.  The Treasurer shall be one of designated signature for checking account, with two (2) signatures required for banking transactions.

Financial Secretary of Hill High Alumni Association duty is to maintain records of all who register for Hill High Alumni Association Reunion. Receive all invoices/receipts requesting payments. Maintain all financial documents received from the Treasurer.  The Financial Secretary shall be one of designated signature for checking account, with two (2) signatures required for banking transactions.


5.01 Candidates for the Offices listed in Article 4 should contact the Nomination Chairperson to obtain an application for the office they are seeking, complete it and mail it back to the Nomination Chairperson.

5.02 The Parliamentarian shall conduct all elections, assisted by the Nomination Chairperson, and ballot box assistants.

5.03 Officers listed in Article 4 can be elected by acclamation or by ballot. An office with only candidate and no nominations from the floor maybe elected by acclamation or a standing or voice vote. However, if there are nominations from the floor then there shall be a ballot vote to determine which candidate has a majority; if there are three (3) or more candidates neither receive a majority, then there will be another ballot vote between the two (2) candidates that received the highest vote count and second highest vote count.

5.04 The Parliamentarian may call for a vote to allow nominations from the floor.


6.01 When Hill High Alumni Association shall cease to function, all monies remaining in Hill High Alumni Association bank account after all expensese/bills have been paid in full, shall be awarded in scholarship(s) according to Hill High Alumni Association Scholarship Guidelines.


1.01 No one can use “Hill High Alumni Association” name either written or spoken other than sole purpose of conducting Hill High Alumni Association business.

1.02 Any increase in memebership fee(s) must be approved at the Reunion Business Meeting by those who meet the criteria specified in Article 2.03 above.

1.03 No monies can be spent by anyone other than for Reunion business, scholarship fund and website bill.